Welcome to the Department of GI Surgery
Surgical Gastroenterology
Conventional and Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal surgery are both major thrust areas of The Institute of Gastointestinal Sciences at Hospital, committed to providing ethical evidence based compassionate treatment for all their patients. The centre is increasingly known for its clinical skills and consistent excellent results.
The team possesses extremely competent skill sets across all forms of surgical treatment for all patients with benign and malignant diseases of Oesophagus, Stomach, Colon, Rectum, Liver, Pancreas, Gall Bladder and Spleen and get the benefit of the most suitable and safe treatment option.
The team has a special interest in the management of patients requiring:
Hepato-pancreatico-biliary Surgery
- Hepatectomy
- Pancreatectomy
- Hydatid Cyst Surgery
- Biliary Stricture Repair
- Gall Bladder Cancer
- Surgery
- Complications of Gallbladder stones

Gastrointestinal & Colorectal disorders
- Oesophageal Cancer, GERD / Barret’s oesophagus & Achlasia Cardia
- Surgery for cancer of stomach / GIST / Gastric outlet obstruction
- Restorative colo-rectal surgery for prolapse and cancer
- Stapled haemorrhoidectomy for piles
- Surgery for complex peri -anal fistulae
Many of these procedures are done by minimal access eg: thoracoscopic surgery for cancer esophagus, laparoscopic antireflux surgery, myotomy for cardia achlasia, gastrectomy, gastro-jejunostomy, anterior resection of rectum, abdominoperineal resection of rectum (APR), rectopexy for rectal prolapse etc
Laparoscopic repair of ventral / incisional hernia
Inflammatory Bowel Disease such as Tuberculosis / Ulcerative colitis
Re-explorations for complicated abdominal surgery & complex entero-cutaneous fistula
Surgery for Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
Management of Portal Hypertension & G I Bleeding
Bariatric (weight loss) Surgery:
It offers surgery for obesity and metabolic diseases such as diabetes and high BP, to prevent their complications and get rid of the need for medicines.